Saturday, August 31, 2019

Passages for Comment

B. 1) It definitely gives me a clear indication of the weather conditions. In london it was very misty/foggy, but as she slowly left london behind it started to thin out and patches of blue Rosamond Lehman uses many of the ‘fabric' metaphors so we get to see how the mist looks, which is in turn, describes the mist/fog much better. â€Å"Lentil, saffron and fawn left behind.† The words Lentil, saffron and fawn are all brown, orangy earthy colours describing London as she leaves it behind. London is all very built up and the the buildings are all very brown and dreary (linking back to lentil) â€Å"†¦but then the woollen day clarified†¦Ã¢â‚¬  , the word ‘woollen' describes the mist/fog as wool which is a fabric that you cannot see through. The phrase, â€Å"†¦ drenched indigo muslin.† ‘Muslin' is a very transparent type of fabric, so the mist looks very see-through . This fabric indicates a lighter colour change and lifting mist outside. â€Å"The skies amorphous material began to quilt†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The skies amorphous material are the clouds, which are beginning to thin out. The patches of blue in the sky which contrast to the white clouds are indeed like a quilt, with many patches here and there. 2) It could also be describing the condition she is in and the way in which she is feeling. She has just woken up and heard the bad news, which has thrown her mind into overwind. The heavy mist/fog outside could mean that she is seriously worried as she is weighed down with worry and concern. She is still half asleep and as she sees the billowing mist, this gives us a sort of foggy appearance of what she is feeling like (like someone who has just woken up and cant distinguish anything properly). The ‘Muslin' fabric is telling us that her brain is not alert or sharp as she is looking, but not taking anything in. She is still in shock about the bad news and is still trying to wake up which further implies how she is feeling. C. 1) The sound and pace of the passage is very quick and fast flowing. Ernest Hemingway uses mainly two syllable words throughout, which adds to the already fast-flowing passage. This is vital in that the story needs to be quick, so that the character in the story can finish his book and so that we don't get bored with the story line. 2) â€Å"All you have to do is write one true sentence†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I think what Hemingway is saying is that all you need to do is to write a proper, structured sentence in order to get your story flowing again. A ‘true' sentence shows instead of tells, uses the five senses, uses strong active verbs, does not repeat oneself, doesn't use unnecessary words and uses metaphors and word pictures. That is a ‘true' sentence in which Hemingway describes. 3) I think that everyone has there own outlook on life, so we therefore all have different opinions on what something means. When Hemingway says that metaphorical language is ‘ornamental', i have to agree with him, because it is a way of flowering up something and it makes people use their own imagination. Thus, all the metaphors will be will be completely different and mean other things to other people. I do associate transparent language to truthfulness because you don't have to use your own imagination as all the facts are there. It doesn't use any many metaphors as there is literally only one layer of depth to something. I don't think that metaphorical language gets between reality and the reader. All people have different thoughts on the metaphors etc. So the outcome of one extract will be different to that off others.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Carrie Chapter Fourteen

‘They will,' she said. ‘I set it up.' it won't even be close. Why do they keep applauding? What's going on in there?' ‘Don't ask me, babe. The school song suddenly roared out, full and strong on the soft May air, and Chris jumped as if stung. A soft gasp of surprise escaped her All rise for Thomas Ewen Hiiiiyyygh. . . ‘Go on,' he said. ‘They're there.' His eyes glowed softly in the dark. The odd half-grin had touched his features. She licked her lips. They both stared at the length of jute cord. We will raise your banners to the skyyyyy ‘Shut up,' she whispered. She was trembling, and he thought that her body had never looked so lush or exciting. When this was over he was going to have her until every other time she'd been had was like two pumps with a fags little finger. He was going on her like a raw cob through butter. ‘No guts, babe?' He leaned forward. ‘I won't pull it for you, babe. It can sit there till bell freezes.' With pride we wear the red and whiiyyyte A sudden smothered sound that might have been a scream came from her mouth, and she leaned forward and pulled violently on the cord with both hands. It came loose with slack for a moment, making her think that Billy had been having her on all this time, that the rope was attached to nothing but thin air. Then it snubbed tight, held for a second, and then came through her palm harshly, leaving a thin burn. she began. The music inside came to a jangling, discordant halt For a moment ragged You continued oblivious, and then they stopped. Then was a beat of silence, and then someone screamed. Silence again. They stared at each other in the dark, frozen by the actual act as thought never could have done. Her very breath turned to glass in her throat. Then, inside, the laughter began. It was ten twenty-five, and the feeling had been getting worse and worse. Sue stood in front of the gas range on one foot, waiting for the milk to begin steaming so she could dump in the Nestle's. Twice she had begun to go upstairs and put on a nightgown and twice she had stopped, drawn for no reason at all to the kitchen window that looked down Brickyard Hill and the spiral of Route 6 that led into town. Now, as the whistle mounted atop the town hall on Main Street suddenly began to shriek into the night, and falling in cycles of panic, she did not evert immediately to the window, but only tamed the heat oft under the milk so it would not burn. The town hall whistle went off every day at twelve noon and that was all, except to call the volunteer fire department during grass-fire season in August and September. It was strictly for major disasters and its sound was dreamy and terrifying in the empty house. She went to the window, but slowly. The shrieking of the whistle rose and fell, rose and fell. Somewhere, horns were beginning to blast, as if for a wedding. She could see her reflection in the darkened glass, lips parted, eyes wide, and then the condensation of her breath obscured it. A memory, half-forgotten, came to her. As children in grammar school, they had practised air-raid drills. When the teacher clapped her hands and said, ‘The town whistle is blowing,' you were supposed to crawl under your desk and put your hands over your head and wait, either for the all-clear or for enemy missiles to blow you to powder. Now, in her mind, as clearly as a leaf pressed in plastic, (the town whistle is blowing) she heard the words clang in her mind Far below, to the left, where the high school parking lot was – the ring of sodium are lamps made it a sure landmark, although the school building itself was invisible in the dark -a spark glowed as if God has struck a flint-and-steel. (that's whew the oil tanks are) The spark hesitated, then bloomed orange. Now you could see the school, and it was on fire. She was already on her way to the closet to get her coat when the first dull, booming explosion shook the floor under her feet and made her mother's china rattle in the cupboards. From We Survived the Black Prom, by Norma Watson (Published in the August, 1980, issue of The Reader's Digest as a ‘Drama in Real Life' article): †¦ and it happened so quickly that no one really knew what was happening. We were all standing and applauding and singing the school song. Then – I was at the usher's table just inside the main doors, looking at the stage – there was a sparkle as the big lights over the stage apron reflected on something metallic. I was standing with Tina Blake and Stella Horan, and I think they saw it, too. All at once there was a huge red splash in the air. Some of it hit the mural and ran in long drips. I knew right away, even before it hit them, that it was blood. Stella Horan thought it was paint, but I had a premonition, just like the time my brother got hit by a hay truck. They were drenched. Carrie got it the worst. She looked exactly like she had been dipped in a bucket of red paint. She just sat there. She never moved. The band that was closest to the stage, Josie and the moonglows, got splattered. The lead guitarist had a white instrument, and it splattered all over it. I say: ‘My God, that's blood!' When I said that, Tina screamed. It was very loud, and it rang out clearly in the auditorium. People had stopped singing and everything was completely quiet. I couldn't move. I was rooted to the spot. I looked up and there were two buckets dangling high over the thrones, swinging and banging together. They were still dripping. All of a sudden they fell, with a lot of loose string paying out behind them. One of them hit Tommy Ross on the head. It made a very loud noise, like a gong. That made someone laugh. I don't know who it was, but it wasn't the way a person laughs when they we something funny and gay. It was raw and hysterical and awful. At the same instant, Carrie opened her eyes wide. That was when they all started laughing. I did too. God help me. It was so †¦ weird. When I was a little girl I had a Walt Disney storybook called Song of the South, and it had that Uncle Remus story about the tarbaby in it. There was a picture of the tarbaby sitting in the middle of the road, looking like one of those old-time Negro minstrels with the blackface and great white eyes. When Carrie opened her eyes it was like that. They were the only part of her that wasn't completely red. And the light had gotten in them and made them glassy. God help me, but she looked for all the world like Eddie Cantor doing that pop-eyed act of his. That was what made people laugh. We couldn't help it. It was one of those things where you laugh or go crazy. Carrie had been the butt of every joke for so long, and we all felt that we were part of something special that night It was as if we were watching a person rejoin the human race, and I for one thanked the Lord for it. And that happened. That horror. And so there was nothing else to do. It was either laugh or cry, and who could bring himself to cry over Carrie after all those years? She just sat there, staring out at them, and the laughter kept swelling, getting louder and louder. People were holding their bellies and doubling up and pointing at her. Tommy was the only one who wasn't looking at her. He was sort of slumped over in his seat as if lied gone to sleep. You couldn't tell he was hurt, though: he was splashed, too bad. And then her face †¦ broke, I don't know how else to describe it. She put her hands up to her face and halfstaggered to her feet. She almost got tangled in her own feet and fell over, and that made people laugh even more. Then she sort of †¦ hopped off the stage. It was like watching a big red frog hopping off a lily pad. She almost fell again, but kept on her feet. Miss Desjardin came running over to her, and she wasn't laughing any more. She was holding out her arms to her. But then she veered off and hit the wall beside the stage – It was the strangest thing. She didn't stumble or anything. It was as if someone had pushed her, but there was no one there. Carrie ran through the crowd with her hands clutching her face, and somebody put his foot out. I don't know who it was, but she went sprawling on her face. leaving a long red streak on the floor. And she said, ‘Ooof!' I remember that. It made me laugh even harder, hearing Carrie say Oof like that. She started to crawl along the floor and then she got up and ran out. She ran right past me. You could smell the blood. It smelled like something sick and rotted. She went down the stairs two at a time and then out the doors. And was gone. The laughter just sort of faded off, a little at a time. Some people were still hitching and snorting. Lennie Brock had taken out a big white handkerchief and was wiping his eyes. Sally McManus looked all white, like she was going to throw up, but she was still giggling and she couldn't seem to stop. Billy Bosnan was just standing there with his little conductor's stick in his hand and shaking his head. Mr Lublin was sitting by Miss Desjardin and calling for a Kleenex. She had a bloody nose. You have to understand that all this happened in no more than two minutes. Nobody could put it all together. We were stunned. Some of them were wandering around, talking a little, but not much. Helen Shyres burst into tears, and that made some of the others start up. Then someone yelled: ‘Call a doctor! Hey, call a doctor quick!' It was Josie Vreck. He was up on the stage, kneeling by Tommy Ross, and his face was white as paper. He tried to pick him up, and the throne fell over and Tommy rolled on to the floor. Nobody moved. They were all just staring. I felt like I was frozen in ice. My God, was all I could think. My God, my God, my God. And then this other thought crept in, and it was as if it wasn't my own at all. I was thinking about Carrie. And about God. It was all twisted up together, and it was awful. Stella looked over at me and said: ‘Carrie's back.' And I said: ‘Yea, that's right.' The lobby doors all slammed shut. The sound was like hands clapping. Somebody in the back screamed, and that started the stampede. They ran for the doors in a rush. I just stood there, not believing it. And when I looked, just before the first of them got there and started to push, I saw Carrie looking in, her face all smeared, like an Indian with war paint on. She was smiling. They were pushing at the doors, hammering on them, but they wouldn't budge. As more of them crowded up to them, I could see the first ones to get there being battered against. them, grunting and wheezing. They wouldn't open, and those doors are never locked. It's a state law. Mr Stephens and Mr Lublin waded in, and began to pull them away, grabbing jackets, shorts, anything. They were all screaming and burrowing like cattle. Mr Stephens slapped a couple of girls and punched Vic Mooney in the eye. They were yelling for them to go out the back fire doors. Some did. Those were the ones who lived. That's when it started to rain †¦ at least, that's what I thought it was at first. There was water falling all over the place. I looked up and all the sprinklers were on, all over the gym. Water was hitting the basketball court and splashing. Josie Vreck was yelling for the guys in his band to turn off the electric amps and mikes quick, but they were all gone. He jumped down from the stage. The panic at the doors stopped. People backed away, looking up at the ceiling. I heard somebody – Don Farnham, I think-say: ‘This is gonna wreck the basketball court.' A few other people started to go over and look at Tommy Ross. All at once I knew I wanted to get out of there. I took Tina Blake's hand and said, ‘Let's run. Quick.' To get to the fire doors, you had to go down a short corridor to the left of the stage. There were sprinklers there too, but they weren't on. And the doors were open – I could see a few people running out. But most of them were just standing around in little groups, blinking at each other. Some of them were looking at the smear of blood where Carrie fell down, the water was washing it away. I took Tina's hand and started to pull her toward the EXIT sign. At that same instant there was a huge flash of fight, a scream, and a horrible feedback whine. I looked around and saw Josie Vreck holding on to one of the mike stands. He couldn't let go. His eyes were bugging out and his hair was on end and it looked like he was dancing. His feet were sliding around in the water and smoke started to come out of his shirt. He fell over on one of the amps – they were big ones, five or six feet high – and it fell into the water. The feedback went up to a scream that was head-splitting, and then there was another sizzling flash and it stopped. Josie's shirt was on fire. ‘Run!' Tina yelled at me. ‘Come on, Norma, Please!' We ran out into the hallway, and something exploded backstage – the main power switches, I guess. For just a second I looked back. You could see right out on to the stage, where Tommy's body was, because the curtain was up. All the heavy light cables were in the air, flowing and jerking and writhing like snakes out of an Indian fakir's basket. Then one of them pulled in two. There was a violent flash when it hit the water, and then everybody was screaming at once. Then we were out the door and running across the parking lot. I think I was screaming. I don't remember very well. I don't remember anything very well after they started screaming. After those high-voltage cables hit that water-covered floor †¦ For Tommy Ross, age eighteen, the end came swiftly and mercifully and almost without pain. He was never even aware that something of importance was happening. There was a clanging, clashing noise that he associated momentarily with (there go the milk buckets) a childhood memory of his Uncle Galen's farm and then with (somebody dropped something) the band below him. He caught a glimpse of Josie Vreck looking over his head (what have i got a halo or something) and then the quarter-full bucket of blood struck him. The raised lip along the bottom of the rim struck him on top of the head and (hey that hurt) he went swiftly down into unconsciousness. He was still sprawled on the stage when the fire originating in the electrical equipment of Josie and the Moonglows spread to the mural of the Venetian boatman, and then to the rat warren of old uniforms, books, and papers backstage and overhead. He was dead when the oil tank exploded a half hour later. From the New England AP ticker, 10:46 P.M.: CHAMBERLAIN, MAINE (AP) A FIRE IS RAGING OUT OF CONTROL AT EWEN (U-WIN) CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL AT THIS TIME. A SCHOOL DANCE WAS IN PROGRESS AT THE TIME OF THE OUTBREAK WHICH IS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEENELECTRICAL IN ORIGIN. WITNESSES SAY THAT THE SCHOOL'S SPRINKLER SYSTEM WENT ON WITHOUT WARNING, CAUSING A SHORT-CIRCUIT IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A ROCK BAND. SOME WITNESSES ALSO REPORT BREAKS IN MAIN POWER CABLES. IT IS BELIEVED THAT AS MANY AS ONE HUNDRED AND TEN PERSONS MAY BE TRAPPED IN THE BLAZING SCHOOL GYMNASIUM. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT FROM THE NEIGHBOURING TOWNS OF WESTOVER, MOTTON, AND LEWISTON HAVE REPORTEDLY RECEIVED REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE AND ARE NOW OR SHORTLY WILL BE EN ROUTE. AS YET, NO CASUALTIES HAVE BEEN REPORTED. ENDS. 10:46 Pm MAY 27 6904D AP From the New England AP ticker, 11:22 P.M. URGENT CHAMBERLAIN, MAINE (AP) A TREMENDOUS EXPLOSION HAS ROCKED THOMAS EWIN (U-WIN) CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL IN THE SMALL MAINE TOWN OF CHAMBERLAIN. THREE CHAMBERLAIN FIRE TRUCKS, DISPATCHED EARLIER TO FIGHT A BLAZE AT THE GYMNASIUM WHERE A SCHOOL PROM WAS TAKING PLACE, HAVE ARRIVED TO NO AVAIL. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS IN THE AREA HAVE BEEN VANDALIZED, AND WATER PRESSURE FROM CITY MAINS IN THE AREA FROM SPRING STREET TO GRASS PLAZA IS REPORTED TO BE NIL. ONE FIRE OFFICIAL SAID. ‘THE DAMN THINGS WERE STRIPPED OF THEIR NOZZLES, THEY MUST HAVE SPOUTED LIKE GUSHERS WHILE THOSE KIDS WERE BURNING.' THREE BODIES HAVE BEEN RECOVERED SO FAR. ONE HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS THOMAS B. MEARS, A CHAMBERLAIN FIREMAN. THE TWO OTHERS WERE APPARENT PROM GOERS. THREE MORE CHAMBERLAIN FIREMEN HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO MOTTON RECEIVING HOSPITAL SUFFERING FROM MINOR BURNS AND SMOKE INHALATION. IT IS BELIEVED THAT THE EXPLOSION OCCURRED WHEN THE FIRE REACHED THE SCHOOL'S FUEL-OIL TANKS, WHICH ARE SITUATED NEAR THE GYMNASIUM. THE FIRE ITSELF IS BE LIEVED TO HAVE STARTED IN POORLY INSULATED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOLLOWING A SPRINKLER SYSTEM MALFUNCTION. ENDS. 11:22 PM MAY 27 70119E AP Sue had only a driver's permit, but she took the keys to her mother's car from the pegboard beside the refrigerator and ran to the garage. The kitchen clock read exactly 11:00. She flooded the car on her first try, and forced herself to wait before trying again. This time the motor coughed and caught, and she roared out of the garage heedlessly, dinging one fender. She turned around, and the rear wheels splurted gravel. Her mother's '77 Plymouth swerved on to the road, almost fishtailing on to the shoulder and making her feel sick to her stomach. It was only at this point that she realized she was moaning deep in her throat, like an animal in a trap. She did not pause at the stop sign that marked the intersection of Route 6 and the Back Chamberlain Road. Fire sirens filled the night in the cast, where Chamberlain bordered Westover, and from the south behind herMotton. She was almost at the base of the hill when the school exploded. She jammed on the power brakes with both feet and was thrown into the steering wheel like a rag doll. The tyres wailed on the pavement. Somehow she fumbled the door open and was out, shading her eyes against the glare. A gout of flame had ripped skyward, trailing a nimbus of fluttering steel roof panels, wood, and paper. The smell was thick and oily. Main Street was lit as if by a flashgun. In that terrible hallway between seconds, she saw that the entire gymnasium wing of Ewen High was a gutted, flaming ruin. Concussion struck a moment later, knocking her backwards. Road litter blew past her on a sudden and tremendous rush, along with a blast of warm air that reminded her fleetingly of (the smell of subways) a trip she had taken to Boston the year before. The windows of Bill's Home Drugstore and the Kelly Fruit Company jingled and fell inward. She had fallen on her side, and the fire lit the street with hellish noonday. What happened next happened in slow motion as her mind ran steadily onward (dead are they all dead carrie why think carrie) at its own clip. Cars were rushing toward the scene, and some people were running in robes, nightshorts, pyjamas. She saw a man come out of the front door of Chamberlain's combined police station and courthouse. He was moving slowly. The cars were moving slowly. Even the people running were moving slowly. She saw the man on the police-station steps cup his hands around his mouth and scream something; unclear' over the shrieking town whistle, the fire sirens, the monster-mouth of fire. Sounded like: ‘Heyret! Don't hey that ass!' The street was all wet down there. The light danced on the water' Down by Teddy's Amoco station. ‘-hey, that's-‘ And then the world exploded. From the sworn testimony of Thomas K. Quillan, taken before The State Investigatory Board of Maine in connection with the events of May 27-28 in Chamberlain, Maine (abridged version which follows is from Black Prom: The White Commission Report, Signet Books: New York, 1980): Q. Mr Quillan, are you a resident of Chamberlain? A. Yes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Important Advice †Do Not Deceive Essay

Humanity is facing many problems like poverty, diseases, violence, homicide, economic recession, and many other miseries, which cause fear in a blissful soul. Since money buys the means that give comfort and happiness to a human, the people are striving either to sustain the basic needs of livelihood, or to expand their existing financial kingdom. However, during their struggle for earning money, some people try to deceive others, and cause sorrow to the bereaved persons. In doing so, although they might have gained more money, but their act of deceit reverts to them, and they also suffer some kind of loss- money, health, happiness, or peace of mind. It is the law of nature that we reap what we sow. If somebody causes pain to a fellow human, then the same pain will return to the miscreant. Can anybody get happiness by snatching happiness from others? Can anybody prosper by cheating somebody through cunning means? It can be seen from the ongoing economic recession that big businesses, who had committed fraud and deception, collapsed eventually. It is true that deceptive acts lead to disaster, foreclosures, layoffs, and suffering. The manipulations in the account statements, which were done by well-paid executives, not only deceived the investors, but also caused grief to the fraudsters, who lost billions of dollars during the slump. Hence, my advice to humanity is that one should never deceive somebody. Relations and economy prosper on mutual faith, and they perish if deception becomes the means of attaining them. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba preaches â€Å"Love all, serve all,† and â€Å"Help ever, hurt never. † Since we all are humans, and we are liable to commit errors, we should forgive others for their unintentional mistakes, and always encourage them to improve their performances. In a positive work environment, workers are motivated to produce the best results, and they try to excel through their sincerity and diligence. Please do not deceive anybody for your own benefit.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ogallala Aquifer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ogallala Aquifer - Assignment Example or the irrigation of one fifth of all the croplands in the United States which infers that it adds up to 30% of the water used for the source of groundwater irrigation in America and fueling the crops for their growth. There are many sort of croplands that take a big advantage of the water from the Aquifer which include wheat, corn, cotton and soybean crops. This production of grains and other agricultural products have made it possible for America to emerge as an agricultural state also and fulfill the state needs of grain quantities such as that in Nebraska and Kansas. (Guru, Horne and Kerr Centre 1). This establishes the importance of the Ogallala Aquifer and the water reserve in the irrigation process and its agricultural value in the state economy. Recently, there has been seen a dramatic decline in the water level of the aquifer and this is causing an alarm, because the domestic needs of the American citizens are met with the water drawn out from the underground aquifers and this includes almost all of the rural and half of the United States population in general. There is low water conservation and the decline has also added much to the water pollution which includes mixtures of agricultural chemicals with volume of water that leach into the ground and render the water harmful to drink. The pesticides are responsible to adding more into the source of water pollution. (Guru, Horne and Kerr Centre 2). The impact of the water decline in the Aquifer can mean crop damage, water shortage and many other agriculture related problems since, Ogallala is the largest Aquifer in the American state. Agriculture wise South Dakota and the Texas state side are the most productive agricultural lands that are widely included in the productive agricultural contribution in the world as well (Brambila). The decline in the water level also means that not only the irrigation and agricultural development of the country gets threatened but also the country will see the greatest

Alternative Dispute Resolution Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alternative Dispute Resolution - Case Study Example This method is most applicable when the parties involved in the conflict agree that a third party seek a solution. The method is almost similar to court adjudication. Arbitrator panel act as judges and offer a solution after listening to both parties. However, the decision may or may not be legally binding. World International Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the best arbitration companies. One case involved a publishing house that had a contractual agreement with a software development company. The publishing house was not fully satisfied with the service after one and a half years and therefore the two parties decided to have the dispute arbitrated. By use of a practicing judge as the sole arbitrator, the two parties presented their interest in case settlement and the arbitrator found a common ground of settlement. The two parties agreed to the arbitrator’s proposal and therefore consented to the settlement terms. The two parties finally went public with their newfound settlement and the case was solved (WIPO web). Mediation is one of the best alternative dispute resolution options. The mediator purposely assists the two parties to come up with their own solution to the dispute. A good example was a business dispute that was mediated by an Auckland lawyer and Maria Dew. The case involved a family business whereby civil issues arose due to personal interests in the family business. The son, wanted to buy the business from his parents but they declined the offer but the two parties continued to run the business together.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

CLASSICAL CULTURES (GREEK MYTHOLOGY) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CLASSICAL CULTURES (GREEK MYTHOLOGY) - Essay Example However, one of the big problems in trying to live this way is the problem of temptation which sometimes thwarts our best efforts. In this essay, I will explain what I mean by this statement. The Odyssey is a great story to examine issues such as ethics and values. It is the story of a man trying desperately to return home after many years away fighting in a terrible war. But he is being punished and his journey is very dilatory. He must constantly deal with obstacles. Each obstacle presents in its way a moral or ethical challenge that will try Odysseus. Although my own life is very different that Odysseus’, and much less straightforward, nevertheless, I too have been challenged by obstacles that have made me think hard about the values I live by. But I have been challenged by more than obstacles. I have also been challenged by the temptations that come with obstacles: the temptation to give in to what is easiest or safest and avoid taking responsibility for fighting on, for continuing to sail home. Temptation is a powerful force that can make us turn our backs on the values we hold closest to our heart. This is a lesson from the Bible, when Jesus is tempted by Satan, but it also a lesson that again and again comes up in the Odyssey. When Odysseus spends time with Circe he begins to forget those he truly loves, he is caught in her spell and the temptation of an easy life that she offers. Also, when Odysseus approaches the Sirens, he is likewise tempted, but this time has taken precautions, asking his men to tie him to the mast to prevent him jumping into the sea to get close to the Sirens and their song, which would mean he would never see his wife or children again: They sang these words most musically, and as I longed to hear them further I made by frowning to my men that they should set me free; but they quickened their stroke, and Eurylochus and Perimedes bound me with still

Monday, August 26, 2019

Framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Framework - Essay Example Lastly, I would take part in the procedure of reviewing the results of the market campaigns (Tranter et al, 2006). I am a detail-oriented individual and having this attribute could help me see unobvious opportunities and share it with the company aiming at creating an appropriate compliance and integrity framework to support innovation in solutions, processes, and products in a highly regulated world. I have a believe that all of these concepts will be tremendously useful in my CP (Uysal & Fesenmaier, 2001). However, I think I will not use the marketing plan concept since the organization has already put their marketing plan into action, but it will assist me to identify how it functions. The organization's culture centers on the workers wellbeing (Belch, G. E., & Belch, M.A., 2009). The organization strives to see that employees get secured, and contented knowing that all the fulfillment issues will be addressed and that there will be no pessimistic penalties for those who raise con cerns. The core of a robust compliance culture is an effective mechanism that permits employees to speak up, and raise actual or potential compliance concerns in a non-retaliatory environment so that they may be referred faster and effectively (O’Guinn et al, 2008). ... It was formed under the Royal act jointly between the government and the individuals of the state. At first, the government owned 50 percent of the total shares, when the corporate showed hard work and dedication the government gave ten percent of the shares to the workforce. This was intended to encourage other industrial sectors to add more effort to their activities. This corporation is located in the republic of Saudi Arabia. It has grown by ten percent current value in the fertilizer industry. It is, therefore, predicted that the fertilizer production in Saudi Arabia is going to grow in an alarming rate following the organization of this Saudi Arabia Fertilizer Company. Four other companies in this state have ventured in the production of Fertilizers and hence Saudi Arabia Fertilizer Company is facing stiff competition from these competitors (Canwell, 2004). The business world at present is facing several issues that impacts on their performances. Business corporations have expe rienced stiff competition forcing them to invent new ideas that are different from their competitors and get preferred by their customers. Therefore, managers need to be creative to evade this challenge. Another issue is security and privacy. Companies all over the globe are being challenged by the improved technology, which forces to adapt to the system to improve their security issues (Jansson, 2008). The external stakeholders including the customers, the workforce, and the government play a very significant role in the company. Without them, the company cannot prosper and be successful. Therefore, corporation is devoted to offering clients high quality products that meet their needs and expectations. Any risks associated with the company’s products, have the capacity to destroy

Sunday, August 25, 2019

China and Taiwan in american foreign policy Essay

China and Taiwan in american foreign policy - Essay Example This was not to be, as the confrontation across the Straits of Taiwan has demonstrated. Since political ideology of communism and democracy are no longer a major constraint in the development of amicable relations between America and China, analysis of events in the relations between America and China point to Taiwan as being the stumbling block. Overview of Taiwan in American Foreign Policy: Taiwan has been the major irritant between China and the United States of America for decades. American foreign policy in the far-east is the reason for the continued existence of Taiwan as a separate entity to this day. Taiwan became a separate entity from mainland China in 1949, when the Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-shek was defeated by the communist forces and retreated to Taiwan, which was then called Formosa, to set up the government of the Republic of China, independent of mainland China. The communist forces under Mao Zedong attempted to take back Taiwan but were unsuccessful. In the mean time America decided to throw its weight behind the independent existence of Taiwan. This decision was based on the need to contain the growth of communism, and Taiwan provided the means to demonstrate America’s will in this direction. Taiwan was also strategically important, as it provided America with a platform for resisting the growth of communism in the Far East. For China, Taiwan and its independent existence has always been an emotional reminder of the past humiliations China has undergone from the West, which it would like to forget. Besides emotional reasons there are two valid concerns for China. Taiwan is a hindrance for it assuming the role of a major world power it has the potential to be and wants to be, is the first. The second is the security threat that Taiwan poses. The hostile attitude of Taiwan coupled with an American foreign policy unfavorable to China makes Taiwan a security threat due to its proximity to the mainland, as it can be used as a platform for many kinds of attacks. China would like to take control of Taiwan outright, but is gradually veering around to the reality that this would not be possible, and so China would be willing for a reunification with Taiwan, on the lines of its successful reunification with Hong Kong in. Taiwan is not keen on it, and would like to maintain its independence, which it stresses from time to time through its actions. America supports this view of Taiwan, and aims to prevent China pressurizing Taiwan into union with the mainland. From this stems the difficul ties witnessed in the relationship between America and China. (Jakobson, 2005). Post Cold War American Foreign Policy in East Asia: The American foreign policy with regard to Taiwan and China has seen periods of wide swings. From the 1970s onwards American foreign policy was tilted towards a sobering influence between China and Taiwan, which went to the extent of reassuring China that America would reduce its military assistance to Taiwan in 1982. A decade later this pacifist trend was to reverse. The Bush administration in 1992 sold 150 F-16 war planes to Taiwan in spite of protests from China. The Clinton administration in 1994 upgraded the protocol rules for Taiwanese diplomats, and the following year provided a visa for senior Taiwanese leader Lee Teng-hui to visit America, disregarding diplomatic precedents. These were acts that were read

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Distance Learning Techniques in Organizations Essay

Distance Learning Techniques in Organizations - Essay Example Some more numbers below put into perspective the growing trend in distance learning (Sloan consortium): Among companies also, there are similar trends emerging which show that organizations are increasingly shifting their thinking towards distance training. According to Dr. Amy Finn (Chief Learning Officer at Centra Software), â€Å"smart organizations know that e-learning is a strategic solution that must be deployed throughout their organization. It is no longer a question of â€Å"if,† but â€Å"when.† e-learning is becoming and will continue to be a part of the organizational infrastructure, similar to mail packages and other suites of products used to increase organizational productivity.† The method of training is being changed from the traditional classroom training in order to reduce travel and per diem cost. In order to be focused and relevant, we need to first define what we are trying to achieve. Therefore, we could define the scope of â€Å"training from distance† as: Having identified the various instructional media and techniques, we can now look in details the pros and cons for each. This would help identify the most suitable technique to undertake in different situations. There are two types of learning environments depending on whether or not the trainees receive the inputs at the same time as the trainer imparts the training. If the trainees receive the inputs at the same time as the trainer imparts the training, it is called asynchronous learning environment.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Metamorphosis by Kafka Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Metamorphosis by Kafka - Essay Example Gregor one day becomes merely a giant insect or a beetle. Kafka abruptly begins his narration as â€Å"One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin† (Kafka, p. 3). The writer does not leave scope for reader’s reasoning about its likeliness. Instead, he takes readers to the heights of feelings by his exceptional style of writing. Gregor is unable to comprehend the change he underwent. His expressions and way of reaction indicate dissatisfaction. From the responses of the family one understands that Gregor was valuable to the family as he had been supporting it financially. His unexpected physical transformation now creates a chaotic environment in the family. This clearly shows that a change in life can have far reaching impacts on a person’s career and personal life. Gregor’s metamorphosis is not only physical, but it deeply alters his attitude in a very negative way. His concept of profession and the way he perceives life changes altogether. This has tremendous influence on his family as a whole. As the story progresses the narrator exaggerates even normal things to strange out fields of visual imagery. There is no question how an absolute youth turns a roach overnight. Kafka sarcastically describes the family’s responses to the youth’s metamorphosis. Gregor’s mother faints seeing her son’s transformed form. His sister gets terrified and father wonders. The beetle-resembling Gregor becomes an unwanted element in the family. All members of the family understand that Gregor can no more be a reliable source of money. His contribution to the family is not worth remembering. The depiction of Gregor’s preoccupied mindset leaves a good impression of a perfect man and his workmanship. However, now Gregor proves his inability to accomplish his professional demands and finds he cannot even get out of bed and open

Thursday, August 22, 2019

General Motors Essay Example for Free

General Motors Essay I first want to start out with the bailout in 2009 where the government gave General Motors money ($40 million) to help get them out the situation with their creditors and took over most of the company. According to reports all of the outstanding stock has been sold and now the company is out of the government’s hands. The total amount given to them was not paid in full and they do not feel like they need to repay anymore because they said that there was a risk with taking the stock and that the government would just get back what the stock sold for. I know that this is true in the stock market, as I have stocks myself and know the risks that I am taking. I still have a problem with giving them money when one of the other larger automobile companies (Ford Motor Company) took it upon themselves to restructure and is paying off their own debts little by little and is still moving along today. Along with the sale of all of the stock came a lift on the freeze of upper management wages and incentives. This is just not right. I would like to live on what some of them make, and I am sure that I could live very comfortably. Let them come and live on my income and see what they can do. I really have a problem with going overseas for production and I always will. It is probably my age and all of the trials and tribulations that I have lived through as well as what I have seen others live through. Many people were told that their jobs would be secure and since then General Motors has cut back on jobs here in the United States. I wonder just how many people outside of this country have been given jobs that could have been here at home. I know that many companies take production overseas because they say that the costs for labor are a lot  lower. Well, that may be true but has anyone seen the living conditions of those people overseas. Are we really paying them what they should be getting? Let’s take into consideration all of the recalls that General Motors has made in the last few years. Way too many in my book. Why is there faulty material being used to manufacture a product that could easily take the lives of many people. These products were made mostly overseas, I believe, and could lower wages be part of the problem of not noticing the faulty parts in the first place? By taking away incentives for prospective buyers, I believe, really hurt their business, but then I say, â€Å"Why give an incentive and not just reduce the price of the car in the first place?† I know that consumers look f or incentives but I think that they would look just as hard if the price of the cars were lower too. Let us look at the strategy that General Motors is wanting to take. The strategy that I believe that they are using is a combination of three strategies. They are as follows: Defensive Strategy in that General Motors decided to cut back the number of makes of automobiles; Cost-Leadership Strategy in that expenses needed to manufacture the cars are kept at a lower cost and maintained at that lower cost; and Differentiation Strategy in that they need to make a superior product for a vast number of people at a low cost. According to the plan General Motors is going to start making their automobiles using the same parts in the same laid out plants and using the same kind of tools throughout. They are also cutting back on the number of models from 86 to 49. When it came to the cost-leadership strategy, I put the loss of incentives to customers in this category. I still do not understand why there are incentives when they could just reduce the price of the automobile or truck. I think that people would look more if the price were lower. The differentiation strategy they have cut back on the workforce but are still making the superior produc t for a vast audience. I realize that they need to watch their competitors closely, especially those overseas but they also need to take care of the people right here in the United States. General Motors has a vision to reduce costs and increase revenue through global sales growth to a net profit of 10%. I think that they are asking for a lot out of the economy, as it is today As the plan states, Ford is farther ahead of General Motors and they made more of a profit per vehicle sold than General Motors. This was all done because of  going globally. The culture needs to change too and get away from focusing on selling the most cars and take care of the customers that they currently have and possibly will have in the future. Yes, sales are important, but they will come if their customer focus is there first. I think that the 10% increase in profits is a little out the park when you are just restructuring and trying to maintain your status. You will need to take smaller increases in profit for a few years and then the profits will increase as the years go by. When looking at SMART goals I find that General Motors set their goal of making more than $10 billion per year. This is a very challenging goal for a company that is just coming back from restructuring. This goal is very specific but I do not believe that it is attainable with the economy that we have today. I know that they look at achieving this goal globally but they really need to concentrate right here in the United States. To be results-oriented they needed to decrease the number of types of cars they produce, reduce the number in their global workforce, (which they did), reduce the number of union workers here in the United States (which they did) and close down plants that were not up to par (which they did). Was this the right decision to make? Who knows for sure? The only thing that I can see is that they put a lot of people out of work. In looking at the Planning/Control Cycle, I see that General Motors followed it by making the plan, carrying out the plan, they looked at the results of the plan and they controlled the direction of the plan by making any corrections as they went along with the plan. Planning is very important in everything that you do. You must always follow through too and watch as the plan is being carried out and always have control of what is going on and make sure that you make any corrections as the plan goes on. If need be, go back to the beginning and start all over again if the plan goes off track too far or if you have to make too many corrections. According to Mr. Akerson when asked about being back on top and the world’s largest auto maker his response was: â€Å"General Motors needs to focus on profits and margins and not necessarily try to post nu mbers on the board.† Maybe they need to go back and re-think their plan again and make sure they are staying on track as they proceed. In conclusion, I just want to add that I read two reports that just came out on CNN today. â€Å"One concerned a former manager for General Motors, Bill McAleer, who was in charge of the Global delivery system from 1988 to 1998 which was  used to access the quality of cars before they were sent to various dealers. He said that the culture of General Motors was the main problem of the company where if there was a problem and you said anything that you could be fired and then on the other hand if you did not say anything, you still could be fired.† What kind of culture is that? It is kind of twisted, if I must say. He said that he had sent a letter to the upper management about all of the defects that he had found and that they just ignored it. He also said that he never received a response in any way about the letter. He mentioned that in 1997 the focus for the company really changed and internally and that there were to be NO problems admitted to. How ridiculous is that. There is never a time during the day that a company does not have some kind of problem. He went on to say; â€Å"That’s what happened with the ignition switch, people knew that there was a problem but problems were not acceptable. They just ignored it.† Mr. McAleer was laid off in 2004 and filed suit agains t the company under the Whistleblower Law but he lost his suit. And what happened yesterday, June 27, 2014? General Motors recalled another 430,000 2013 and 2014 vehicles for various defects from windshield wiper assemblies on Caprice Police Cars, to transmission software, to rear shock absorbers, and to air bag problems. What is with this company? The article stated that since January, General Motors has recalled more than 20 million vehicles worldwide. If they knew about the ignition switch more than a decade ago and did nothing until this year, why are they still in business? Where are most of these defective parts coming from? I would imagine that you can see why I cannot be happy about this company. I have lived many years and have worked in various occupations and have seen the defective merchandise come from out of the country and would just sit there and shake my head. Working in retail for over 20 years, I just would not put merchandise on the floor for customers to purchase if I found it to be defective. Did I get into trouble for it? Absolutely not! We cared about our customers, why doesn’t General Motors. Seems like all they are interested in is the almighty dollar. Ref: Article by Patrick Sheridan, June 28, 2014 @ 12:24 pm ET Article by Patrick Sheridan, June 27, 2014 @ 6:564 pm ET

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Production Control Essay Example for Free

Production Control Essay Spreading Cutting Sorting/Bundling Sewing/Assembling Inspection Pressing/ Finishing Final Inspection Packing Despatch Design / Sketch: In the garment manufacturing the first step is designing the sketch for the dresses that have to be prepared. For this purpose the designer first draw several rough sketches in the sketch book. The designer does not go for details at this moment but he rather let his creativity flow on the paper and he draws many sketches. Later these sketches are analyzed by a panel of designers. They finally select few out of them. These few sketches are rendered in detail separately or in the form of a single collection. The designer also draws working drawings along with the sketch. Working drawings are flat drawing of the sketch and it help  pattern maker  in understanding the patterns involved in the construction.  ·Ã‚  Pattern Design: The pattern maker now develop first pattern for the designsin any one standard size. This is made by pattern drafting method and the purpose of making this pattern is to create the sample garment for test fit.  ·Ã‚  Sample Making: The first patterns are sent to the sewing unit for assembling them into garment. This is usually stitched on calico or muslin which is an inferior quality of fabric and it reduces cost. This sample is constructed to analyze the pattern fit and design too. After the sample garment is stitched it is reviewed by a panel of designers, pattern makers and sewing specialists. If any changes have to be made they are made at this time.  · Production Pattern: The pattern design is now taken for creating the production patterns. The production pattern is one which will be used for huge production of garments. The pattern maker makes the patterns on standard pattern making paper. These papers are made-up of various grades. The most important component, the tissue paper pattern, is made from the lightest and thinnest paper commercially available (it is not made at the pattern companies). It is called 7. 5 lb (3. 4 kg) basis paper, meaning that a ream of it (500 sheets) only weighs

What Is Real Love Philosophy Essay

What Is Real Love Philosophy Essay Some say that love is the most powerful and magical force. But it is also the most formidable thing in the universe, and that there would be nowhere else it could discover and display its beauty and wonders more, than in an intimacy relationship between two people. It is said to be invisible and cannot be measured yet so powerful enough to be able to transform someone in a moment and give you so much joy than any material possession one could ever have (Angelis, 10). Real love refers to as an act of faith, which means you commit yourself without any guarantees of the other person loving you back. The bible tells us that, Love is patient, kind, it does not envy or boast, it is not proud or rude, it is not self seeking or easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Love never fails. An example of such kind of love is agape love- its offered or given despite of how the other partner behaves; its a form of real love which is unconditionally committed to an imperfect person. Its a love that is transparent, strong enough to let your partner to get close to you and tell the honest truth, share your positive and negative feelings and it is this kind of love that will be able to keep other types of love alive. Perfect love is the one that gives all and expects nothing. If you expect nothing and ask for nothing at all then you can never be betrayed or disappointed, its only when love demands that is bound to bring a lot of pain. Real love is when you unconditionally care about the happiness of another person without thinking of what you might get for yourself, even when they dont think of you, consider or give you nothing in return which includes gratitude; because youre main concern is their happiness. Real love is not selfish but the one which has no limits or any conditions attached to it. Without real love, we get miserable but with it our happiness is genuinely true. And this is not the kind of happiness we get from money, sex or conditional approval, its also not the same as the feeling that we get from entertainment or from getting people to do what we want, but this is genuine happiness which is profound, a long lasting sense of peace and fulfillment that will deeply satisfy us and enlarge our souls. It doesnt disappear when circumstances or situations get worse. It preserves and even grows through sufferings and hardships. This true happiness is our entire purpose to live and is the type of happiness which can only be obtained and guaranteed as we find real love and be able to share it with other people. With real love nothing else matters; without it, nothing else is enough (Baer, 12). The feeling of being loved and also becoming unconditionally loving doesnt happen all at once like a twinkling of an eye, it takes time and patience. You are not going to loose all your fears, disappointments, anger or pain overnight, its a journey, but a journey that is worth every effort. Some people worry or even fear that loving unconditionally might turn them to a doormat that everyone around them is going to use. But the truth is when you love people unconditionally, that does not imply you have the responsibility to give them everything they want; it would only mean you are being indulgent and immature. When you love someone unconditionally, you accept that person as they are and contribute to their happiness as wisely as you can but it does not entail that you respond to their every command. Real love is when you tell somebody that you care about how they feel but conditional love is when you tell them that you like how they make you feel. Conditional love is selfish, one sided, it is what people offer us when we do what they want and sadly its the only kind of love most people have ever known. People have liked or loved us more when we make them feel good about themselves, meaning we have to buy conditional love. When we dont know the difference between real and conditional love, we end up settling for give and takes of conditional love which always leaves us empty, unhappy, disappointed and frustrated. It is therefore advisable to know the two reliable signs that portray that love is not genuine: that is anger and disappointment (Baer, 22). When it comes to love relationships, we often feel safe enough to express our love and attain intimacy when we are sure that the bridge is solid and that we also feel confident of its support. Trust is that bridge which is there between individuals that enables them to cross over to each other in whichever relationship, whether its friends, lovers or business associates. We tend to feel comfortable and secure with a sturdy foundation beneath us, but when it comes to real love, you just love without expecting anything in return, that way you are actually exempted from being hurt (Block, 18). In conclusion, what we have observed is that the foundation of our disappointment, irritation, anger, resentment and even bitterness in our souls is not caused by the people around us, but by lack of real love among ourselves. Understanding they say is just a simple realistic assessment of how things are, but blame shows anger and pain which can only bring harm to both yourself and others. The point is: If someone doesnt know how to love, dont tell them but show them and sooner or later theyll begin to speak and understand the language of love.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay - Impact of Stereotypes and Stereotyping

Cause and Effect Essay - The Impact of Stereotypes In today's society, our natural reaction is to put people into a specific class that we feel they fit into upon our first impression. When we were in high school, they were called clicks. There were your jocks and your cheerleaders, who were usually the most popular students. Along with stoners, nerds, and then the people who really didn't fit into any crowd, they were just there. When we were in high school, all of us wanted to be in the "cool crowd". As described in When I was growing Up by Nellie Wong, "I discovered the rich white girls...imported cotton dresses...and thought that I too should have what these lucky girls had..." In stereotyping people, we perhaps have ruined some great minds. However, when high school was over and the real world came true, high school jocks and cheerleaders didn't have much of a lead on the rest of us. Their popularity became nothing after high school. Our stereotyping of each other could have been very harmful. Some students were intelligent but never given a chance to prove it because of the way they dressed or because they smoked. We could see it in our teachers eyes, and our own, when a student walked in with glasses and a pocket protector we assumed that he was smart and way above the intellect of the class. Same as when we saw a person dressed in all black leather with chains walking in; we think that they will never make anything out of themselves. Now as adults, we work with all types of people. Most of us probably don't realize that all the people we used to make fun of in high school for studying hard or getting good grades are now the potential leaders of our nation. That jokes on us. However, wha... ...ave ruined some great authors, engineers, doctors or even presidents because of our cruel stereotypes. It's hard for society to realize that their simple classification of a person without knowing them directly could have such an effect. If we were to understand that just because we choose to where certain clothes or play sports, that it doesn't mean this is the only thing we know. Society itself is full of plenty of intelligent people, however, most of them will never get a chance to prove this because, either we won't give them a chance anymore, or they have just given up. Why should anyone try to prove their importance to us if we aren't willing to believe them? We've never cared about them, so why should they care about us? As a stereotyping society from as early as childhood, we have set ourselves up for problems, which might never be resolved.

Monday, August 19, 2019

History Of The Original Lincoln Essay -- essays research papers fc

In 1858, there was a great struggle within the state of Illinois for a seat in the Senate. The well know Stephen A. Douglas, the favored candidate, was excepted to win. Abraham Lincoln was not a well known candidate. In a struggle for the possible position, Lincoln proposed that he and Douglas organize a series of debates, so that both men might â€Å"divide time, and address the same audiences during the same canvass.† Douglas accepted, and he feared that he had â€Å"everything to lose from a joint appearance, and yet to decline the challenge would have seemed unmanly in the West of the mid nineteenth century.† Douglas then purposed dates and places; Lincoln complained that Douglas would have four opening and closings speeches whereas he would have only three, he wrote â€Å"I accede, and thus close the arrangement.† The first of seven debates was on Saturday, August 21, 1858 at Ottawa, which started an important part of the history of the United States of Amer ica, the Lincoln-Douglas debates.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Ottawa debate set the format for the remaining six debates. Lincoln and Douglas agreed that the first speaker would speak for an hour, the second speaker for an hour and a half, and the first speaker again for half an hour. On August 21, excitement was in the air. The town’s population of over 7,000 doubled overnight. At 2:30 p.m. Douglas began speaking and the battle was on! The Little Giant, Douglas, displayed the art that marked him as the master â€Å"stump-speaker† of his day. He first criticized Lincoln’s background and political history. He talked about Black inferiority, and the social as well as political dangers of freeing Blacks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The highlight of his speech was the surprising argument he threw at Lincoln in the form of the Springfield Resolutions of 1854. Douglas quoted the radical â€Å"Codding† and declared that Lincoln joined with abolitionists Giddings, Chase, Fred Douglass, and â€Å"Parson† Lovejoy had constructed this platform for the new Black Republican Party of Illinois. Douglas became so engrossed in the speech he had to be reminded of his time limit. When Lincoln replied, he had no choice but to defend himself against the accusations. As Lincoln continued to debate, he displayed his ability as a rough-and-tumble debater, which had caused Douglas to say that he would have his hands full with Old Abe. He refute... ...ssures were driving North and South further apart. Both candidates were masters at selecting effective arguments from all the possibilities, making the most of the arguments they picked. And yet they were aware of what they said because they did not want to incriminate themselves. The debates marked a turning point for the nation. Within three years it would undergo a bloody test of its ideals. Its subsequent history would be a struggle to bring to fruition the decision reached on the field of battle. BIBLIOGRAPHY Angle, Paul, Created Equal? (The University of Chicago Press, 1958) Fehrenbacher, Don, Abraham Lincoln Speeches and Writings 1832-1858, (New York, Literary Classics of the United States, 1989) Heckman, Richard, Lincoln vs. Douglas, (Washington D.C., Public Affairs Press, 1967) Holzer, Harold, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, (New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 1993) Jahannson, Robert, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1965) Sigelschiffer, Saul, The American Conscience the Drama of the Lincoln- Douglas Debates, (New York, Horizon Press, 1973) Zarefsky, David, Lincoln Douglas and Slavery, (University of Chicago, 1990)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Enviromental Effects on Behavior Essay -- essays research papers

The level of genetic influences on a person’s behavior is called the heritability of the behavior. Based on previous research intelligence as measured by IQ scores is thought to be attributed mostly to genetic influences. However it has been suggested by several researchers that genetic influences are moderated by the environment a person grows up in. There have been several studies that have explored the effects of environmental effects on heritability. However these studies have been methodologically limited because they did not have a large enough sample size or they did not measure the zygosity of the twins they use. Other studies measured change in heritability across different birth cohorts. However these studies might have been influenced by the different circumstances that might have been present during the different time periods these people lived in. Some general reasons why there is a lack of evidence for the moderating effects of the environment is that the studies conducted so far did not use measures environmental variables to detect differences in the environm...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Child Study Paper Essay

The Child Study data I have gathered comes from the observation I have completed at Mission Bell Elementary School. Mission Bell Elementary School is a local school in Riverside. In the P. M preschool class there are 24 students, one teacher, and one assistant. The child I decided to observe is names Zoe. Zoe is 4 years and 10 months old. I immediately was drawn to Zoe because she had such a big personality, was very social, and smart. I am glad that I choose to observe Zoe because she was able to make my observation process smooth and easy. While observing her I had to pay close attention to her biosocial development, motor skills, cognitive skills, communication skills, emotional development, social interaction, and her self-esteem. As I share my observation data, I will give examples of Zoe’s skills and overall development thus far in her life. Biosocial Development: Physical Description According to biosocial development norms Zoe is average. She is just the size she is suppose to be according the growth chart and development norms. Zoe is tall and lean. She is on the skinny side and has long arms and legs and a flat stomach. Zoe weighs 36 pounds and is 39. 75 inches tall. On the growth chart Zoe is in the 50th percentile (CDC 2000) when it comes to her weight and is in the 25th percentile (CDC 200) when it comes to her height. From these percentages on the growth chart Zoe is falling right in the middle when it comes to her physical development, showing that she is growing at a normal expected rate. Zoe displays an above average activity level in comparison to her peers. She has such a high activity level compared to the other children because out of them all she is the one that keeps busy. When indoor play time comes around Zoe is sure to play at as many play stations as she can. Zoe averages about 5 to 6 play stations. Zoe chooses to play at a number of different areas, whereas, many of the other children just get around to two different play stations. At each station Zoe spends 41/2 to 5 minutes playing, showing that Zoe’s ratio of active running around periods out weight the inactive sitting and playing periods. Motor Skills Zoe does a does a good job at controlling her gross-motor skills as well as her fine motor skills. Zoe has good balance and speed for a 4 year old. When Zoe’s gross-motor skills are compared to her classmates you notice her advancement. She does not stumble over her feet or object such as the carpet, as much as her peers do. When Zoe is outside her favorite activity is to play on the jungle gym. This activity is able to show Zoe’s good development of gross-motor skills because of how she is able to climb up and down the stairs of the jungle gym and with such speed. â€Å"Many children by age 2 become smooth and rhythmic – secure enough that soon they leave the ground. (Berk, 2007, P. 224). Zoe has mastered her fine motor skills. Zoe is able to correctly hold writing objects such as markers and crayons; she also holds glue sticks in the writing position. She holds the maker or writing object in between her thumb and her middle finger and allows her index to help support her writing tool. By having this technique down Zoe is able to control the lines that she makes on her paper as well as how dark her lines will be. She is also able to manipulate how much glue is going to go onto her paper and where it will go. In comparison to Hayliegh (3-8), who is still holding her writing tool with her palm, Zoe shows she is more advance in her fine motor skill. While playing at one of her favorite indoor play stations, which is play dough, Zoe uses her hands to manipulate the play dough into various shapes and objects. The way she is able to grasp and squeeze the play dough shows her sensatory skills, which are in connection to her fine motor skills. These two examples show that Zoe has master over her hands and how they will work to her advantage. As Zoe continues to play her favorite activity, the jungle gym, with such balance and speed she shows that she is comfortable with her movements. This is one of her favorite activities because it allows her to run around and get out her energy. Zoe favorite game, and only game she plays, are the computer games. Zoe will avoid such games as board games but will go and play on the computer when she can. The games on the computer help her to learn how to control an object such as the mouse and pointer. This helps Zoe in the development of her fine motor skills. Zoe’s favorite table game is play dough. The play dough station is always the first station that Zoe goes to if she is picked to go their. At this station Zoe again uses her fine motor skills to create all different types of objects with her play dough. Cognitive Skills While closely observing Zoe’s cognitive skills she showed evidence of Piaget’s preoperational stage. Zoe’s cognitive development is shown through her make-believe play. â€Å"Piaget believed that through pretending, young children practice and strengthen newly acquired representational schemes. † (Berk, 2007, P 227). When Zoe plays with her play dough she pretend that she is making pizza. She begins by taking a handful of play dough and placing it on the table, she then get a small rolling pin to roll the play dough out flat. Once the play dough is rolled out completely flat she uses little Lego’s to represent the pepperoni that tops most pizzas. Next she takes the finished pizza and puts it on the side of the table and pretends to heat it in an oven. The takes the play dough and begins to feed her friends. When Zoe decides to not just feed herself but her friends as well she is showing development of no longer being self-centered. This whole make believe shows how far Zoe’s Cognitive skills have developed. She is able to take something she see and act it out and think about the order in which she acts out each piece. Zoe has knowledge of classification and seriation along with her representation skills. Zoe shows that she is capable of classifying objects as well as putting them in sequence. She shows evidence of classification during clean up time. When it is time to clean up each toy has its own space and toys that are a like go into spaces next to each other. Zoe is able to identify objects and according to the likely ness of one to the other she can tell weather or not the go in the same area. For example Zoe is able to identify that the blocks and the Lego’s go into the same area but that they are different. She is also able to recognize that the entire book are books but able to classify them according to their size. She put away all the big books on one side of the bookshelf where they belong and all of the smaller books on the oppsite side where they belong. Zoe also knows sequence of numbers. She shows this when she is called up to be the calendar girl for he day. Zoe takes down all the numbers from one to 15 off of the calendar. Then one by one puts them back up in sequence. She also recognizes the patter of the numbers. Each number is written on an insect. As she puts up the numbers she realizes that the patters of insects are caterpillar, lady bug, butterfly, caterpillar, lady bug, butterfly and so on. Zoe shows the ability to imitate real life through her play. When she creates pizza with play dough and Lego’s she is showing that she understands how to create something from what she has seen and experienced. She shows that she understands how something that is not the original object can symbolize or represent the original. Zoe also shows role play during her play. She does show by pretending to be the baby while her friend Savanna (3-11) plays the mother. This type of role play shows that Zoe understands the various roles that people play in life. Through this role play you are able to see her ideas on life. Zoe shows her perception of how a baby is to act and how they should respond to their mother. By Zoe crawls around on the floor and talks baby talk shows how she views babies. Lastly Zoe shows special interest in activities that involve imitation play. She likes to create things that she sees and experiences in her life. This ability to imitate reality shows her cognitive growth. Communication Zoe uses wide variations of communication. Zoe uses her body language, facial expressions, and verbal communication all at once when she is explaining or expressing herself. All these combined show off Zoe’s personality. When Zoe hurt her foot on the table Zoe used her body language to show that she was in pain. She immediately bends down to rub her foot in try to make it feel better. Then her wincing face showed that it was not helping. As Zoe dragged her body over to the teacher she then verbalized the pain that she was in. She expressed the teacher, â€Å"I hurt my foot†. Zoe is very good at exaggerating her expressions and really showing how she feels on her face. If she is happy she has a big simile, if she is shad she is frowning, and if she is hurt she is wincing and showing pain on her face. Her facial expressions do a lot of the verbal communication she might not do or it tells her feelings before her words do. When Zoe interacts with her friends she is very animated and humorous. She is very big in her movements and throws up her arms and puts out her hands as gestures when she is speaking. When she is very excited about what it is she is telling her peers she is very big in her gestures and when she is calm she uses one hand when gesturing. Zoe has a very good vocabulary and is the talkative one of the group. She is also known for her slang vocabulary. Sometimes this slang that she uses from time to time goes a little too far and she can get into trouble. Hector (3-5) did jus that told on Zoe and got her into trouble. Hector told the teacher that Zoe told him, â€Å"What the heck. † Zoe was then told that she should not use that word. Zoe is also very descriptive in her speech. She once told the teacher, â€Å"Mrs. Contreras, I made a red strawberry†. Zoe is extremely talkative and this helps aid her in learning and broadening her vocabulary, as well as learning how to express her self. Emotions Zoe is at the Initiative versus Guilt stage according to Erikson’s personality development theory (Berk, 2007). Evidence of this is show when Zoe is eager to join her class peers in various activities. In particular when it is library time Zoe likes to thumb through her book initially by herself like she is told to do but it excited when she is able to share her book with a few surrounding friends, or listen to a surrounding friend share their book with others. When it comes to creating a new picture or trying a new activity Zoe becomes excited to participate and learn something new. This took place when she had the opportunity to create a caterpillar. She learned how many circles she needed to make the caterpillar and where to glue on the legs of the caterpillar. Zoe also shows evidence of autonomy because she is able to use her mental development and sense to determine and recognize that she has to use the restroom. When it comes to Zoe’s Temperament she is not moody. She consistently is happy and friendly unless she gets hurt or someone copies her. She is usually very approachable and social with everyone. Her response positively when it comes to playing with someone new at each play station that she goes to. She also is good at sharing. For example, when Zoe goes to play on the computer she shares the mouse with the other student and takes turns clicking on the computer. She works together with her peer to find the right answer to the question on the computer. Since Zoe is good at sharing this makes her approachable and fun to play with. When it comes to Zoe’s intensity of her reactions she is directly in the middle. She is not a loud child but also not quiet. She also is good at having self control and not having tantrums. She does have very out there over the top facial expressions and gestures but not so much to make her an intense child. Zoe is also positive in her mood. If she is hurt or irritated she will tend to come down from her usually happy smiley mood. Zoe is usually happy and playful. Zoe is just about always in a very positive mood and a pleasure to be around. However, Zoe does show a broad range of emotions during her observation. She showed happiness while she was interacting with her peers, and she also displayed the feeling of being hurt, when she stubbed her toe on the table. Zoe displays knowledge of how to express herself emotionally. Social Interaction Zoe is very social and interacts with everyone. Zoe is always interacting with new peers when she is indoors going from one play station to the other. Zoe is a little different from the other girls in that she has no problem interacting with the boys. Around lunch time Zoe joins in when Dillon (4-7) is pretending to be a superhero. Zoe joins in and pretends to be a super cat. When Zoe does interact with her peers it is in a small group of maybe 3 at the most. Zoe never tends to be around large groups. Mostly you will see Zoe one on one with another peer. Zoe tends to go towards the sensatory play then the make believe play. When Zoe has a choice of an indoor play station she always goes for the play dough first. After that Zoe will do arts and crafts that involve gluing or draw a picture. By the end Zoe always ends up at the Sand table. These three types of play that Zoe consistently participates in are all dealing with her sensatory skills or fine motor skills. These are Zoe’s favorite types of play because she enjoys playing with things that involve her hands, since she is good at them. Zoe has a secure attachment to her mother, teachers, and peers. When Zoe’s mother came to visit the class she did not attach herself to her mother while she was present. Zoe recognized she was there and called on her if she needed help but she did not play at the table that her mom was at just because she wanted to be next to her. Zoe continued to do her own thing. Zoe is also not attached to any particular peer in the classroom. She demonstrates this by sitting at a new lunch table with someone new with each observation. She also plays with someone new at each play station. Some of the other children especially girls are attached to one another each observation. They will always sit together at lunch and play together in both indoor and outdoor play time, but not Zoe. Self Esteem Zoe displays confidence and high self-esteem. She indicates that she has a very positive outlook of herself through her expressions. When Zoe does something correct she wants everyone to know. For example when Zoe did a good job of cleaning up her mess and helping her peers pick up wooden blocks she went to the teacher Mrs. Contreras to show her what she had done. Zoe will not shy away form getting others to acknowledge her feelings weather positive or negative. This shows that Zoe is confident and knows when she is doing good and not doing well. Zoe is confident enough to speek up when she wants to. Zoe is her own motivation. She is a self starter and needs little direction. When it is reading time Zoe will get her book and begin reading. While most of her other peers need a reminder to sit quietly and look at their book, Zoe doesn’t. Zoe will also do things when she is asked and will not need a motivation to do it, like and incentive or a reason. Zoe might need some help with staying focused for more than five minutes on one task, but when it comes to starting a task Zoe will not waste time getting to it and starting it. Zoe usually needs little direction and makes up her mind fairly quick when it comes to deciding where she wants to play and what she wants to do. She needs little self direction and Zoe tends to play at areas where she will receive as less direction as possible. Zoe is independent and is able to handle her own. She has no problem with playing alone and being by herself. She enjoys the company from her peers but she is able to entertain herself. She doesn’t need to have other peers around her in order for her to have fun. She also is more of a leader and to be a leader you have to have an independent sprit. Zoe has other peers who follow her around and does what she wants to do. Since Zoe is not a follower she is showing she is not dependent on other but is independent. Conclusion Zoe displays a number of strengths as well as areas that she can improve. Zoe is strong in her fine motor skills. The way she is able to control her writing tool and where her lines will go on her paper and how dark they will be. She is also able to stay inside of the lines. These examples show that Zoe has done a good job of developing her fine motor skills. Zoe is also very good with her communication skills. She knows how to express herself correctly and clearly. She is able to not only use her body language and facial features to let show one know what she is feeling but she is able to verbalize it. Zoe can afford to improve on her attention span. Zoe tends to be easily distracted by the idea of moving on to something else. She needs to learn how to focus on one thing instead of trying them all. She needs to learn how to relax and be persistent in what she is working on. Overall I have enjoyed the opportunity of observing Zoe. She has taught me various things about the development of a preschooler. I plan on remembering this observation and using it as I go on to my future career working with children.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Effects of gangsterism Essay

Effect of gangsterism towards individual Gangsterisms are the social phenomenon which occurs widely among teenagers in our country. With the rapid increase of this problem, gangsterisms can give a lot of negative impact towards individual, family, and society. In term of individual, student who involves themselves with gangsterism will face bad consequences in their life including having a dark future. Thus, their future might be threatened due to the result of their behavior. Most probably they will be detained because somehow they able to create chaotic scene in their surroundings. This will also affect their life as they unable to perform their study in higher level and they might spend their teenage years in juvenile school or rehabilitation centre. On the contrary, those with a bright future able to continue their study while they had wasting their precious life in prison. Effect of gangsterism towards parents In the context of family, parents need to receive the bad treatment as the result of their children behavior. Most probably, parents might be insulted or becoming the subject of hatred from people in their surrounding. They might be blame for what their children had done and through other people eyes they had to be responsible. Somehow, there are parents who try so hard, in order to guide their children back to the right path. However, some children are too stubborn and ignore the advice of their respectful parents. In addition, parents need to face with reality that their children are not turn into a good person and turn out differently from what they had expected. Effect of gangsterism towards society As for society, they will feel insecure and threatened over this matter because they felt that the surrounding is not the safe place anymore due to the violent act of gangster. The behavior of gangster might endanger their life because at some point, gangster can turn out to be a killer and some of them also fight among each other to show their power. In addition, this kind of phenomenon also spread widely in school. Johnson and Johnson (2005) stated that the researchers determined that the alarm about rampant violence in school is not justified, but concern about the frequency with which adolescents victimize each other is, even though the victimizations are more  bothersome than injurious. In addition, it had come to the stage where school compound cannot be considered as a safe place anymore due to the gangsterism activities that take place in school area. Middleton-Moz and Zawadski (2002) argue that our own lack of awareness often causes us to be both deaf and blind to the pain experienced by our nation’s youth and, as a result, our young people too often become the prisoners of their sadness and depression, seeing little possibility for change and no way. Therefore, it show that our own lack of concern over what had happened make the matter of gangsterism getting worst until the victim of gangsterism are being abuse physically and emotionally. Society is no longer felt peace and harmony in the country which they had resided. Statistical figure The statistical figure was brought out by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin during the Parliamentary session on June 9, 2010 portrays the number of students who involved with gangsterism. From the figure , it stated that the number of students nearly doubled since 2005. It begins with 32 cases recorded and the numbers reach its high peak on 2008 with the value of 81. Although, the number had slightly decreased to 60 cases in 2009 but the number still considered high compared to the earlier cases recorded in 2005. As for figure which provided by ACP Amar Singh Sidhu on his journal title Journal of the Kuala Lumpur Royal Malaysia Police College, No.4 on 2005, it reveal that majority of delinquents detained in the rehabilitation centre was from Indian races with the number of 316 people. On the other hand, both Malay and Chinese represent the similar number with 111 people for each race to be detained. Who should be blamed? Teenager nowadays lack of focus. We mean that they do not know where they are heading, whether in the academic or social sense. Therefore, this gives rise to several problems, mostly gangsterism happens among the teenagers who involved in sosial ills such as drug addicts, smoking, and gambling. These teenagers are not bothered about their studies and it is evident that they are involved in gangsterism. So, who should be blamed for gangsterism? Do we  have to put the blame on the parents, teachers or anyone else? We strongly believe that the one that should be blamed for gangsterism among teenagers is the individual himself or in the other word is we. We are the ones to be blamed for gangsterism because we are the ones who decide on how we want to live our life. We are responsible to manage ourselves. If we discipline ourselves towards the positive behavior, then we will behave well. We are the one to choose how we manage our life. In any decision or action that we made, we have to take full responsibilities of whatever the consequences that we will have to face due to the decision making. For example, if friends offer us a drug and if we have a firm standpoint, then we’ll kindly say no to the friend. Next, we think one of the factors that cause gangsterism among teenagers is the parents. Nowadays, parents are so busy and they focus more on earning more money. They are so busy with their job and rarely have time to be with their children at home. They become workaholic and they are not concerned about their children needs. They assume that providing their children with materialism is more than enough but the fact is their children actually need more attention from their parents. For instance, parents give money and provide cars for their children but the children feel lonely. So, they will do anything to fill in the emptiness they feel inside. They might be involved in gangsterism to overcome the loneliness they felt. Then, we personally think peer pressure is the one to be blamed for gangsterism among teenagers. The teenagers are easily influenced by their friends. When they mix with the wrong friends, they might be involved in crimes. As friends are among the closest people to the teenagers, they will eventually be influenced by their friends. For example, if their friends are a gangster, soon they’ll become one. This is because, their friends might attract them to try something new for them like gang fights. The teenagers are too young and they have a strong instinct of wanting to try something new. So, they will follow their friends. We strongly suggest that perhaps it is time that parents, teachers and  non-government body’s work together to direct and counsel our teenagers. Parents should play their role to educate their children and spend more time communicating with their teenage children. Teachers should try establishing a closer rapport with students. Everyone must work together to find the correct mechanism in order to overcome gangsterism among teenagers. Who should be responsible for the increase of this problem in the recent years? We are trying to find who are responsible for the increase of gangsterism cases in the recent years. Here, firstly parents are responsible due to their important role in teenagers’ life. The parents must play their role and provide their children with a good spiritual and moral background. Then, teenagers themselves should be responsible of what they have done in their life. Teenagers have their own brain, so they should be supposed to think carefully before they do something. Besides that, authorities also should be responsible because only they can make the strict enforcement and to punish the teenagers who involved themselves in gangsterism. Finally, the society is also responsible for the increase of this problem in the recent years because we live in a society so, if they do not play their role and cannot be aware of the problem occur in their resident and place, they should be responsible of this increasing of number of the gangsterism cases. The reasons of gangsterism cases among teenagers First of all, influences by the peer group can create gangsterism cases. As we all know, peer group plays an important role in moulding one’s characters because they will be able to lead their friends in doing something whether to do good things or bad things. In the fact of teenagers who usually have the urge to do something new, they will slightly done bad things without thinking of the effects of that action in their life. Challenges from their peer group will make them not to feel frightened anymore in doing bad things especially in school, while they are involved themselves in gangsterism. Peer group is the main reason of the gangsterism happened among teenagers because usually teenagers tend to share their problems with their friends rather than discussing it with their family. For them, only their friends will understand better their feelings so, whatever their friends do, they will follow it even though they realize it is a wrong action. Another reason  leads to gangsterism is the teenagers nowadays are always lack of parental love from their parents who are busy twenty-four hours to find money until they do not realize that their children are neglected by them. They also do not play their role as parents who are the people that are responsible to provide their children with a good spiritual and moral background. Besides that, the environment of the teenagers will also create gangsterism to be happened. Teenagers who have a good environment such as the conducive environment in their home will be able to keep a distance with this social problem, while teenagers who have bad environment will involved themselves in gangsterism easily because only this way, they will feel more released. Why I’m saying like this? Broken family background always creates a bad environment right? So, it is parents’ responsibilities to prevent their marriage problem become one of the main reasons why their children involved th emselves in gangsterism. Furthermore, the fourth reason why teenagers involved themselves in gangsterism is because mass media’s influences. Of course in the television, there are so many advertisements, films or dramas, even cartoons always publish for everyone. The violent action in those things will influence the teenagers to follow whatever action played by the author. Last but not least, the reason of gangsterism cases among teenagers might be also because there are no specific rules and strict enforcement from the authorities. The teenagers seem like do not have any feeling of frighten to do gangsterism because they know the rules and strict enforcement are not exist anymore to punish them when do something wrong especially in gangsterism cases. Cooperation by the society When you say ‘society’, what is comes to your mind? Of course society is a group of people who are close to you besides your family and relatives, right? Society also plays an important role in order to solve this crucial problem. As we discussed earlier, peer group, parents, school counselors, authorities and mass media are the people who have responsibility to solve this problem, but society also plays an important role too. The society has to work hand-in-hand to help government combat this problem. In order to do that, the development of positive values in the society through various programs that can be generating long-term benefits must be conducted. Programs like ‘gotong-royong’ and campaign like ‘Belia Benci Dadah’ will generate long term benefits to the teenagers in the sense of responsibility as a citizen and also a future leader for next generation. This will increase their spirit on developing themselves with good personality and try to prepare themselves with many types of knowledge. As a result, they will totally think that gangsterism will cause bad effects to their loving country and also their respective society. To conclude, if society plays their part in solving the gangsterism cases that happen in their society, the gangsterism cases will not occur anymore in their neighborhood. Mass media’s responsibility Mass media always influenced people. Do you all agree with me? Think about it. Especially kids and teenagers who have the urge to learn something new and want to try it, they always being trap with the film they just watched in the television. Influence by mass media should be taken into consideration. Mass media must know their limits in publishing something. They must be aware of whatever programs they want to publish have bad effects or not to the audience especially teenagers who usually like to imitate the violent action in the television. Mass media also can help to solve this gangsterism cases by publishing advertisements on bad effects of gangsterism activities among teenagers. As a result of this action, I’m sure teenagers will keep a far distance from gangsterism activities and they will totally not have any feelings to be involved themselves in that bad activities. They will choose to involve themselves in participating in such a good and beneficial activities like watching a debate or other programs that beneficial for their studies organized by the mass media. In short, we can conclude that mass media’s responsibility is important in order to solve this crucial problem among teenagers nowadays. Strict enforcement by the authorities Strict enforcement by the authorities also can solve this gangsterism problem among teenagers. Nowadays, teenagers seem not to have any feeling and are frightened of what they are going to do. So, if the authorities let them know that there are some strict enforcement will be taken towards the guilt of gangsterism cases, teenagers will think twice when they want to be  involved in gangsterism because they know if they are caught by the authorities, there will be punishment and strict enforcement waiting for them. In brief, only strict enforcement by the authorities will make the teenagers feel frightened be involved in gangsterism. Thus, authorities must play their role in solving this problem before it gets worse day by day Advice and guidance by the school’s counselors School counselors also play an important role to solve gangsterism problems among teenagers. As we know, teenagers spend their time almost half of their days in school, so that, if school counselors are playing their role as instructor, facilitator and also counselor to their students by giving and organizing some proper and suitable programs, their students will be more knowledgeable and have views on bad effects in doing gangsterism activities. They will be more aware that gangsterism will make them suffer and life as a student will become worse if they are punished to be expelled from school. In other words, only school counselors have a big role and carry the responsibility in creating a good personality in their students’ characteristics. The school counselors must keep in touch with their students who are involved themselves in disciplinary problems because most probably these students might bring themselves in gangsterism cases too. Besides that, the school counselors must try to find ways to avoid gangsterism activities to be happen in their school. To summarize, if the school counselors are always aware about their students’ activities, the number of teenagers involved in gangsterism will be decrease day by day and gangsterism cases can be solved by the advice and guidance by the school counselors. Parental love and responsibility given by the parents Do you all agree that parents play an important role in solving this problem? I want to convince all of you about the truth of this statement. I totally agree with this statement because of some reasons I had discovered .First and foremost, parents play a part in helping their children to choose the right friends. This is due to the fact that friends play the important role in moulding one’s characters especially among teenagers. A group of good friends can guide and lead the youth to a better future in their life. Thus, parents should always keep an eye on which their children’s friends are. It should be better if parents are close to their children too. Another reason is I agree that parents play an important role as it is because parents nowadays are too occupied with their jobs until they forget to think about their children’s needs and feeling. They tend to have no time to spend with their children. For them, finding money is an important thing. But to think it carefully, what is the use of your billions of money if your children are neglected and do not get parental love from you as their parents? Besides that, the third reason why parents play an important role to solve this problem is the family background. Broken family background always gives bad effects to the teenagers nowadays who involve themselves in gangsterism. They love to release their tension by being involved in gangsterism with their friends. They will feel more comfortable and release tension outside with their friends doing gangsterism rather than in the house by looking at their mother and father quarreling all the time because of marriage problems. Last but not least, the reasons I have discovered are parents play an important role to solve this problem, that is parents who are the people that are responsible to provide their children with a good spirit ual and moral background. In brief, with enough education of this two aspects, I’m sure this problem can be solved because their children will think twice if they want to involve themselves in gangsterism activities because they know by doing that, their parents will be ashamed to have children like them and their children know that gansterism will bring bad effects to them. I think it is enough of my evidences to convince you all that this problem can be solved if parents play their role in helping their children avoid being involved in the gangsterism. Conclusion Based on our research we had done, it can be conclude that there is a great necessity to give more attention towards cases that related with young delinquents who involve themselves in gangsterism. This problem had to be wisely handled to ensure that their future will not be ruined due to their involvement in gangsterism. Thus, parents, government, and society have to play their roles effectively in order to curb the spreading of gangsterism among school student. In addition, need to realize the consequence by each  action or behavior which taken by them. They have to aware that each behavior that deviant and forbidden to the law will cause them to be punished. Therefore, government need to strict and regulate the available law, so teenager will be afraid to involve with gangsterism. As for parents, they need to give full attention to their children and guide them to the right path before things getting worst and difficult to handle. Society also is one of the important elements to curb this matter. By providing information to the police, they automatically help the enforcer task to deal with gangsterism. With the cooperation from each member in the country, there is a high possibility that this social illness will finally found its remedy.